Adult scalp contains around 100,000 hair follicles. Every day the scalp loses about 100 hairs and will grow back in 5-6 weeks. Starting at age 40, the prolactin level of male testosterone byproducts increases, stimulating the production of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterone DHT causes our hair to grow back thinner or not grow back at all. This causes the problem of hair loss of androgenic alopecia, because DHT shrinks the follicles which causes thinning hair and hair to recede on the forehead, crown and temples for men and thin out throughout the scalp for women. What causes hair loss.
1. Causes of Hair Loss
a) Aging
Human aging is a biological process that is unavoidable but can be controlled with a healthy diet with complex carbohydrates, green foods, garlic, onion, water and juice which will help reduce the aging process in a few degrees. It also helps reduce the amount of DHT produced in our body, resulting in delaying hair loss to our scalp.
b) Lack of minerals
Minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, chromium, iodine, zinc, and magnesium are needed to maintain healthy hair growth. Lack of minerals will reduce the chance to regulate blood circulation which promotes healthy hair growth and thyroid hormones that prevent dry hair and hair loss and defects in hair color. Too much iron is toxic to your body. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any mineral supplements.
c) Lack of oxygen
Lack of oxygen in the blood weakens the hair follicles, causing dryness of the scalp and hair loss. An uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated fat causes cholesterol to accumulate in your arteries thereby reducing oxygen in your bloodstream. Also smoking and cigarette smoke reduce blood flow and increase blood clotting activity from cells that will clog blood flow and damage arteries which cause oxygen deprivation and result in weakening of hair follicles.
d) Side effects of drugs taken
Some drugs contain elements that can cause hair loss such as lithium, warfarin, heparin, and amphetamines. When hair loss is a side effect of the drug, hair growth usually returns to normal after the drug is stopped.
e) Genetic hair loss
Hair loss is caused by hereditary factors. This is passed down from generation to generation. Genetic hair loss occurs mainly in men, but can also appear in certain women.
2. Foods that must be avoided
Foods that can cause hair loss and reduce hair growth.
a) Saturated and trans fats
Foods like meat, poultry, and fried foods contain high saturated fat. Foods like margarine, cheese, and butter contain high amounts of trans fat. These foods cause cholesterol to accumulate in small arteries and veins on your scalp that produce less oxygen that is sent to cells in your body, including cells in the follicle.
b) Foods containing Aspartame and Monosodium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate contains chemicals that cause weight gain, increase appetite and also cause various kinds of health problems such as hair loss.
Aspartame contains toxic chemicals that make you gain weight, increase hunger and cause medical problems such as migraines and poor blood circulation.
c) Smoking
As we mentioned in the previous article, smoking can reduce blood flow to the scalp which causes hardening in the arteries, limiting blood flow and making hair loss worse.
d) Artificial Colors
Artificial colors contain chemical compounds that affect the body's natural balance.
Certain foods to avoid include colored drinks, color-coated candy, gummy and chewy candy, and many colored cereals.
e) Preservatives
This is potentially toxic to the liver and kidneys which causes hair loss and prevents hair growth as we mentioned in the article "Part IV hair loss - regrow hair with Chinese herbs".
f) Food Packaging
Polyvinyl chloride is known as a carcinogen, and is often used as a plastic food wrap. It's poisonous
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